Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Introductory Entry

Many of you may have been following my blog on ActiveRain www.activerain.com/blogs/realestatetechdesk but for those of you who are new to my blog, let me give you a quick background of myself and my company, our services, and what to expect on this blog.

My name is David Fox, Owner of DEF PC Services. A computer repair / maintenance company serving the Baltimore and DC metro areas. Started in 2002, we have been providing services to residential and small businesses throughout the area with attention to detail, a smiling face, a listening ear, and low costs!

Some of our services include:

  • Computer Repair

  • Technology Maintenance

  • Device Repair/Troubleshooting (including phones, portable devices, and such)

  • Office Networking/Troubleshooting

  • Software Hardware and Software Installation

  • Software Training

  • Equipment Purchasing Assistance

  • Mobile Office Configuration

  • Home to Office Network Configuration (VPN, Remote Access, Etc.)

Our rates are some of the most competitive in the area, MUCH lower than Best Buy Geek Squad, Firedog, and other big box competitors, as well as most local PC companies. Give us a call or send an email for a quote. Most residential services are billed at $45/hour. Most commercial services are billed at our new lower rate of $65/hour.

This blog will provide insider tips on computer software, and hardware, as well as news on the latest computer viruses/problems. We will provide you with links to great software, give you reviews on new devices including phones, laptops desktops, software, etc. If you have questions feel free to leave a comment on our blog or send us a message, we will gladly answer you with a email or create a blog post if we think that it will help the masses.

If you need computer assistance please feel free to give myself a call at 410-274-4871. I look forward to talking and interacting with you soon!

David Fox
Owner, DEF PC Services

1 comment:

mrome said...

I am delighted to have met you and would be happy to endorse your services to anyone. You really know what you are doing, make it look easy and make my business life much more enjoyable. See you tomorrow for our 2nd meeting.
With appreciation.
Margaret Rome